Individual Therapy Appointments

EFT Tapping Therapy

Individual EFT Tapping appointments cost $130 for 50 minutes, and are online by Zoom.
Individual EFT Tapping appointments cost $130 for 50 minutes and are online by Zoom.
Blurry image of shells on a beach at sunset
Sensational bunny tail grass
Sunsest reflections over a beach

What to expect?

During our first appointment we will get to know each other, set your goals, and talk about how long we could work together. This could be anywhere from one session, to a couple of sessions, or possibly for a longer period of time. This depends on what would be best for you. The great thing about EFT Tapping is that it does not require a long-term commitment to work. Each session we will begin with setting a goal, and will check in on this as the appointment goes on. We will have regular reviews to make sure we are keeping on track.

Getting Started

Are you interested in booking an appointment? Great! So that you can make the most out of our time together, it is helpful for us both to be clear about what we expect from each other throughout this process. This begins with reading the therapy guidelines (click here) and completing the "getting to know you" form at the bottom of this page. These questions will help me to understand what is going on for your currently and what you would like to get out of EFT.

Getting to know you

If you would like to book an appointment, please complete the form below. Once I have received your response, I will give you a call for a complimentary 15 minute kōrero/chat. On this call you will be able to ask any questions you have, and if you decide you would like to go ahead with EFT Tapping we will book a time.

